Sunday, July 12, 2015

The beginning is near

My tiny house was started this week. So, I sat in front of it and watched to learn. It was the best reality show in my book. The structure sits on blocks (yes, I am getting/ building a storm shelter) and is 12'×20' with a loft for kiddo. I am now completely consumed by thoughts of meeting our most immediate necessities: water and power.

I have just discovered that I must have a septic tank installed (around $5K) even if I use a composting toilet in order to have a farmer's faucet installed in the property. So, my idea of living off grid is indeed a forced reality now. At that price, I might as well save a little extra and get a well dug, eventually. Bummer. But at least here I won't go to prison for collecting rain water and not paying to have a septic done.

So, on with the show! I am also  studying all possibilities and configurations to set up the solar power system after I have the place wired by a licensed electrician. Progress may not be coming as fast as I was hoping in the water and power department but it will come. And it will be oh so good when it is there!!
In preparation for the tiny being built, I had to cut my second and biggest tree yet as it was leaning a little too close to the site. Although I could have done a better job with it, I am pretty happy about it. Bringing down that big tree brought a ton of sunlight into the building and now my way is clear to have a number of solar panels take full advantage of the south orientation, under the kitchen window.

View from what will be the kitchen window.

A fuzzy little Boo watches and learns how to build a tiny house! : ) 
This week I also did some "housekeeping" chores while staying at my gracious host property: Laundry, dog groom and dog baths for both pooches. I was to busy to take photos of that but I can assure you that hey loved it! 

So, as my 18th day ends in this new place, I am looking forward to the new beginning I have in front of me. I believe I shall be sleeping under my tiny roof very, very soon!

1 comment:

The Williamsons said...

Awesome... Your my hero!