Like sunshine. And water out of a faucet.
Reason why this past week I concentrated on making a stand alone wash sink and took full advantage of my new solar phone charger. I would be toasted without it.
The week started simple enough with me spending my first night in my tiny last Tuesday. This event prompted me to start working on my 55 barrel composting toilet system ( ). I worked really hard at digging the hole for my first barrel when I realized that a huge cedar stands right in front of my proposed toilet site. I had to stop and will need to bring it down first. It is quite a large tree and I may need assistance with it, so I will wait. In the meantime, I met a local resident of the hole I was digging. We exchanged pleasantries and parted peacefully. Still, nothing beats a good sweat when doing something worthwhile!
Reason why this past week I concentrated on making a stand alone wash sink and took full advantage of my new solar phone charger. I would be toasted without it.
The week started simple enough with me spending my first night in my tiny last Tuesday. This event prompted me to start working on my 55 barrel composting toilet system ( ). I worked really hard at digging the hole for my first barrel when I realized that a huge cedar stands right in front of my proposed toilet site. I had to stop and will need to bring it down first. It is quite a large tree and I may need assistance with it, so I will wait. In the meantime, I met a local resident of the hole I was digging. We exchanged pleasantries and parted peacefully. Still, nothing beats a good sweat when doing something worthwhile!
I found and purchased a much wanted draw knife and put it to use right away on some cedars I had laying around on the property. I also had a few common cedar fence boards that I had purchased on special (70% off, from the cull pile) from the Home depot. I had planned them while I stayed at my gracious host's place and they came in super handy now.
I found my "sink" (galvanized tub) and mirror with cabinet at a local flea market and modified a cool instructable I found for a scout field sink to fit my needs. And voila! After about 3 days of work, my sink is done. The Colombian nuns from my school days would be proud of my hand stitching!
Today, a new week has begun. I started to get my tiny ready for exterior painting (caulk, sand etc) and hope to have it ready to paint when kiddo is here to help me. Yay! One more week! Yikes! One more week!
The interior of my tiny house currently is very plain and simple. Electrical needs to happen ($$$) before anything else, so I'll need to wait a bit.
I sure hope you have a great, productive, fun and happy week! Remember, no matter how bad things get, you'll always have yourself. Aren't you lucky? ; )
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