

I was born in Colombia and landed in New York City in my early teens, where I lived until I became a professional Illustrator.
In 1994 I moved to Florida to work for "The Big Cheese" of animation as a special effects artist. After some time, I relocated to Los Angeles to get married, where I got to work for a few other great studios. I also freelanced as a prop and scenic artist while I raised and homeschooled my only daughter. I am now back in my beautiful Florida doing what I love: paint, draw, hike, travel and explore with my sweet little dog. We are known as "Acorn" and "One Gallon" in the hiking community.

In this blog I share my evolution: my projects, interests, and ponderings. You can also find me on Facebook and Instagram (@stellaarbelaez.art) as well as YouTube.

Feel free to drop me a line if you have any questions about any of my posts.
: ) Stella

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