It seems like this blog should be named "Never home instead".
I am going on a journey again. Only this time I am taking my home with me.

Shortly after I came back to FL, I purchased a home in a small suburban town about an hour away from Orlando. The house is solid, of cinder block construction, decorated with cedar and stone siding. Wood and stone reminded me of the forest and the place where I longed to be. It was love at first sight. There is a small patch of tall bamboo that sway with the wind in the side yard and well established palm trees in the front. It has a small backyard that resonates with life after a storm. At night, when I look up to the sky, I can see bright stars shining against a pure dark background, with black silhouetted branches of tall trees framing the view. Almost nightly, I hear an owl's hoot and I am treated daily to countless greetings from birds and insects that share this space with me. Although it sits in a small lot, it has enough earth around it to someday be able to provide me with plenty of food and nourishment.